[AlternativeAnswers] Re: getting off psychiatric drugs for bipolar

Yes, and keeping the medications in place you have the base-line and stability while healing with the other things. The tools I mentioned are able to eventually get the person far enough along that the meds are not needed....again, weaning with medical guidance being critical, and having a supportive person in place all along to report progress, etc.
It must be difficult to have it in the family. That would relate to how we address genetic predisposition/weaknesses within certain layers of treatment in homeopathy. It's part of treating the whole person, the roots in family genetics and all that has been built upon it which is unique to each person.
I would imagine other systems that treat the whole person like acupuncture and traditional chinesse medicine have also helped.
Be well,

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Bamboo Chik" <bamboochik@...> wrote:
> I agree. You need to use the meds in combination with a healthy diet and supplements, but to get off of them completely with natural alternatives is not only dangerous but unwise. Bipolar runs in my family and I know the heartbreak this has caused our family by those members who are afflicted with it and their efforts to quit the drugs for alternatives.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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