[AlternativeAnswers] Re: getting off psychiatric drugs for bipolar

Hello Annie,
I'd like to know who that was in Seattle, I live nearby. This 'guru' is pretty off base to make a sweeping statement like that. It has been cured and continues to be. It may not be easy....the best is for the practitioner to work with a family member/advocate to keep information and the protocol running well. Combinations of homeopathy, eating organic whole foods, no additives/chemicals, certain supplementation, cranial sacral and some meditation & yoga techniques work well. It's never good to go off medication if already on any while the healing process is going on, then should follow a doctor-guided weaning as it improves.
Sounds like you've been doing a great job so far :)

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "orfanannie69" <orfanannie69@...> wrote:
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "hummingbirdandsaviour" <hummingbirdandsaviour@> wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know how to get off psychiatric drugs for bipolar onto alternative nutrients?
> > )joanne
> >my mother in law went to a seminar in seattle a few months ago and it was all about overcoming depression and such. the presenter who was an all natural guru said that the bipolar can't be treated naturally. that there are things to do with nutrients diet exercise but because of the mood swings.. ups and downs that it has to be managed with medication. this was interesting to us as a family as we have a son that suffers from bipolar. his dosage of medication are low as he eats healthy and exercises regularly. also he takes vitamin e multivitamin zinc and high dose of vitamin d. i to would love for him to be off all medication but as he jsut turned 18 i like him where he is now.. STABLE! i am very intersted in what the group says. annie

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