Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Should You Get a Mammogram?

That is sooo "not the norm" (pressure from the mamogram bursting the cyst)....and by the time 'you' detect a lump, a mamogram could have detected it before anyone could feel it...
Like I said in an eaflier post; I got my first mamogram at 53 (shame on me!)...I was so scared when I went in and lo and behold!; the pressure is minimal, the entire 'ordeal' lasts maybe 10 -15 minutes depending on how many pictures are being taken.
I've been an advocate of homeopathy and natural medicine/ complimentary medicine for over 30 years....and I would strongly advice getting a mamogram.  For your own health; at least get a base line!


--- On Wed, 5/13/09, Lyndall Abbott-Young <> wrote:

From: Lyndall Abbott-Young <>
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Should You Get a Mammogram?
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 1:47 PM

I personally have stopped having mammograms because I do feel very strongly

that they can and do cause more harm than good! I prefer to do self

examinations and get my GP to check me out on a regular exam basis. I know

of one lady who unknown to her at the time had a cyst in one breast and had

a mammogram done and ended up having major problems because the pressure of

the mammogram on the breast burst the cyst.

NOT for me thanks!




I do self examinations regularly and my GP does an annual breast

manipulation and has found nothing of alarm.

Am I being paranoid about radiation and are my fears of creating other

issues (possibly caused by radiation) legitimate and/or well-founded?

Susan S., Canada


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