[AlternativeAnswers] Solarized Water

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Solarized Water

Solarized Water is a wonderful way of applying color to the body. Water, when exposed to sunlight in a colored container for at least an hour becomes irradiated and takes on some of the vibrational energy of that particular color. This is called vibrational essence, color elixirs or Solarized water. Wrap a colored gel around a clear glass or bottle. Add water, cover and place in the sun.

Simply drink solarized water at regular intervals throughout the day. A red gel will give red solarized water; a blue gel, blue solarized water, etc. The longer the water remains exposed to the sun, the stronger is its potency.

Solarization depends on temperature, geographical location and the time of the day. One simple way to determine if the water has absorbed the sun's energy is to drop an ice cube in the glass of water to be solarized. When the ice cube has completely melted, the water is charged.

Fresh solarized water can be store for several days at a time. Blue solarized water can be kept safely for a week or ten days in hot or cold weather. Because of the light frequencies, red, yellow, and orange solarized water should be changed every two days in warm weather and every ten days to two weeks in cold weather, when storing. Because the color of the water does not change, it is necessary to label each container as to what color the water has been solarized.

If you would like to preserve the water for a longer time, it is a good idea to add a natural preservative to it. A 50/50 mix of the solarized water to alcohol such as brandy or vodka, will keep this vibrational water for many months. It is always a good idea to store your solarized essence in a brown or blue bottle where the sun won't destabilize its delicate balance.

Solarized Water can be used as an adjunct healing therapy in any situation where color is needed and applied. This water can work on all levels of our mental, spiritual, physical and emotional bodies in subtle and even profound ways.

· Use a dropper bottle and drop several drops under the tongue or into a glass of water that you could sip throughout the day.
· Drink a little each day.
· Drops can be placed directly on the pulse points; wrists, neck and top of feet.
· Add your vibrational colored water to a spray bottle. Spray directly on you or in any room that needs the color energy.
· Rub a few drops on the appropriate Chakra points.
· Add a few drops of the essence water into massage oil.
· Add several drops into your bath water.
· Blend your solarized essence with essential oils and place in an oil burner.
Spray your plants or pets with the energized water.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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